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Don’t let tax get you down

We all know that the only two certainties in life are death and taxes. Even after we’ve gone, taxes are still levied against our estate. The more money we make, the more money the taxman looks to take. Tax can be a serious stumbling block in our financial mindset, especially when we think about all the ways in which we are taxed, where that money goes and how it is ultimately invested into our community, whether […]

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The importance of being intentional

If we don’t stand for something, we will fall for anything. Essentially, our actions will either result from what we choose, or what is chosen for us. Our days are packed full of communication and actions. From the moment we engage with our mobile device or open our emails, messages begin to stream in and affect us. We will either be triggered into action by what we engage with or choose to follow our own intended […]

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Four ways to measure your fortune

We often don’t worry about something until we realise that it’s limited. If we have lots of something, it’s a fortune. If we don’t, it can become a focus of concern and anxiety.  Young children generally don’t worry about much if their needs are met. With access to their parents’ love, attention and confidence, children have much of the social affirmation they need. When school starts and they are placed in a room with lots of […]

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The best time to live

“Remember the past, plan for the future, but live for today, because yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come.” The best time to live is in the present. It’s easy to get lost in a daydream of how life could have been different or how good life used to be. It’s equally easy to succumb to the speculative dreaming of what might happen in the future. Believing in a better future is hope, and being […]

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Catastrophising and how to manage it

Have you ever gone down a rabbit hole on social media? You know, that moment when you see something triggering and you click on it, and then scroll down through the comments, becoming wholly engrossed in a conversation that turns out to be a waste of time and emotional energy. While we’re in that moment, we’re often completely unaware of how it’s affecting us. Catastrophising is a little like that. We can all be affected by […]

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Ask yourself these questions BEFORE switching funds

As financial planning conversations deepen and explore more value, we find ourselves moving from the empirical to the emotional, from processes to perceptions and from products to people. It’s an enlightening journey that takes us away from numbers and allows us to reflect and reconstruct our future planning approach. But, it’s also extremely challenging as we find questions we can’t easily answer; but, that’s still healthier than having answers we can’t question! This point of reflection […]

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Different money personalities

Dealing with money matters can feel like negotiating a minefield for many couples, which is highlighted in this article by Maya on Money. Money has been cited to be the biggest reason for divorce, and differing attitudes towards money in any relationship can cause friction. So let’s take a look at some basic ‘money personalities’ and you can decide with which you most identify. This may not only help you to manage your relationships, but also […]

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Should we trust in trusts?

We live in uncertain times, so it is natural for many parents to want their children to have financial security, without money worries on top of everything else. Many parents also wish to build their wealth to such an extent that it will be passed down for generations to come, and a recent article published in Maya on Money examines the use of trusts to create intergenerational wealth and ensure a financial legacy. No matter how […]

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5 key financial terms explained

Do you nod along blankly when someone talks about unit trusts, or do your eyes glaze when you hear the word ‘annuity’? Do you wish investment terms weren’t so complicated or full of abbreviations? It’s easy to get confounded by the use of financial jargon if you haven’t been trained in the financial services industry or been exposed to the world of investments before. But don’t let that put you off. It’s just a question of […]

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